Pax Imperia is a classic turn-based science fiction space empire game, of the type often referred to as '4X' games (Xplore, Xpand, Xploit, and eventually Xterminate other galactic civilizations), that was unique for its time in its detail and complexity (and still has been outdone by few games since). It was only released for the Macintosh, and left many waiting for a promised sequel for five years until 1997, when Heliotrope Studios put out Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain (also known as Pax Imperia 2) for both the Mac and Windows platforms (published by THQ and Atari respectively). Pax Imperia was particularly beloved for its detail and complexity, in ways reminiscent of MicroProse's Master of Orion series, Mare Crisium's Stars!, and Koei's series of empire-building strategy games. It was also, sight virtually unseen in most such games, playable by up to sixteen human players.
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