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Illustration of Age of Empires

Age of Empires


In Age of Empires, players are able to manage a tribe with their mouse. Command them to build houses, docks, farms, and temples. The player advances their civilization through time by learning new skills. The game allows the player to advance through the Ages: The Paleolithic (old Stone Age), the Neolithic (new Stone Age, or the Tool Age), the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. If the player would rather get away from the historical aspect, the game offers a random terrain generator and a custom scenario builder.

The game has four resources: food, obtained by either hunting, foraging, fishing, or farming; wood, which must be logged by hand; stone, which must be mined; and gold, which can either be mined or obtained through trade with other players.

As a real-time war game, Age of Empires naturally revolves around gathering resources and producing units.

Apple Mac OS
Alternate Names
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Age of Empires - Banner (North America) - 1600x260
North America -  1600 x 260

Box - Back

Age of Empires - Box - Back (North America) - 800x961
North America -  800 x 961

Box - Front

Age of Empires - Box - Front (North America) - 800x932
North America -  800 x 932

Box - Front - Reconstructed

Age of Empires - Box - Front - Reconstructed (null) - 1644x1990
1644 x 1990

Screenshot - Game Select

Age of Empires - Screenshot - Game Select (null) - 800x600
800 x 600

Screenshot - Gameplay

Age of Empires - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 800x600
800 x 600