The Road to Valhalla

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The Road to Valhalla is a strategy game dealing with Norse mythology, published as a type-in in a 1985 book "Creating Political & Military Simulation Games on Your Micro". The behavior of people in this game is based on the description of the Icelandic custom described in "Njáls saga" that deals with blood feuds; how the requirements of honor lead to minor slights spiraling into destructive and prolonged bloodshed. The object is to gain honor and wealth so that on your death, you go to Valhalla. Common-sense laws such as not harming your friends and finishing vendettas should point the way to success. Reply moves consist of fairly random actions on the part of your rival settlers, which indicate your standing with them and start vendettas. Owing to the slightly random nature of the behavior-generating lines, they tend to do unlikely things from time to time - such as giving you presents after you have attacked them. The response to your actions is linked to your popularity with each settler. The analysis of your actions is fairly complete - each settler considers what you have done in the light of their opinion of the person you have done it to, if it is not the same settler.

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Mike Rose
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