Once upon a time in feudal Japan there lived a wicked summoner named Seimei who brought a great evil into the world. Only one man could stop him: an adviser to the former chancellor named Tengan. But Seimei anticipated this challenge and had Tengan condemned to prison forever. With no other recourse in sight, Tengan elected to free a sleeping Sumioni, or Inkdemon, named “Agura” at the cost of his own life, bequeathing this creature a compulsory mission through the scorched ruins of Japan to defeat Seimei and wrench order from chaos. Guide Agura through 2D side-scrolling levels and unleash his powers by drawing brush strokes on the touchscreen. Create paths to traverse, set enemies aflame, spawn deadly thunderstorms and even summon powerful Inkgods to do your bidding! Set in a vibrant world brought to life through traditional hand-painted "sumi-e" ink art, Sumioni: Demon Arts combines fast-paced platforming with unique touchscreen functionality for the perfect mix of classic and modern.
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E10+ - Everyone 10+