The story of the game follows the tale of Shard and his friends. The story coincides with the plot of the movie. In the Canyonlands, The Glauxian Monks worshiped the owl god Glaux, hidden away from the strifes of life. Surtr and the Pure Ones had been defeated years ago by Lyze of Kiel and the land had been returned to peace. However, during the watch of a young guard named Grettir, the Monastery was attacked by Hagsfiends. After losing most of what he knew as his family, he was plagued of guilt and many others who had heard the story branded him a traitor and a coward. After many years of isolation, Grettir took a mate named Lygeia and had an egg together. On the night that the owlet was to hatch, the nest of Grettir was attacked by owls and they killed the Grettir and his mate, but the owlet, now named Shard, survived.
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E10+ - Everyone 10+