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Illustration of Castle of Doctor Game

Castle of Doctor Game


The evil Dr Game has set out on a mission to steal all of the classic video games from the world, and keep them locked in his castle for only himself to enjoy. Every cabinet, every motherboard and every ROM has started to vanish from the world as he slowly gathers his collection together.

Gamers are angry, and have sent you to the castle to get them back so humanity can once again enjoy these classics.

Dr Game has locked the games deep inside his sinister castle; a maze of rooms, passages and locked doors. Some of the rooms he has made to look like the games he has already collected, so be prepared as you venture inside.

Paul Jenkinson
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Alternate Names
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Screenshot - Game Title

Castle of Doctor Game - Screenshot - Game Title - 640x480
640 x 480

Screenshot - Gameplay

Castle of Doctor Game - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x480
640 x 480