
Demon Dungeon

Release Date calendar
December 5, 1980
Platform joystick
Acorn Atom
Game Type type
Max Players players

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The objective of Demon Dungeon is to escape from a dungeon full of monsters. The game is text based and the player makes his way through the dungeon by typing directional shortcuts (N, E, S, W). The player starts at level 1 and to escape has to make it to level 5 and beyond. To advance a level the player has to find a secret passage. Each cell on the map has a number that represents the likelihood of it containing something. This can be either treasure, magic stones or monsters. The game helps the player by showing his status as either red or blue. Red means that the player is moving in the right direction. When coming across a monster the player can do three actions: cast a spell, throw a magic stone or run away. Spells and magic stones have a 90% chance of killing the monster but only one spell can be used on each type of monster. Running away should only be used when the spell has been used and there are no magic stones left, since there is a 25% chance that the monster will follow and kill the player. The player only has one life and has to restart from the beginning when killed.

Alternate Names

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