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Illustration of Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation

Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation


Returning yet again to the One Year War, Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation pits two squads of six players each, one Federation and one Zeon, against each other in combat. Points are earned by destroying enemy units, capturing control points, or destroying the enemy base. Capturing a control point or sabotaging a base requires the player to exit their MS in a normal suit, making them a smaller but far more vulnerable target. The team with the most points at the end of a match wins, and receives more XP than the losing team.

Each side has its unique and iconic MSs, such as the Gouf and Guntank. Additional MSs, weapons, and upgrades are developed as the player ranks up and completes matches, and are built with construction points awarded during matches.

Battle Operation is free to play, but every completed match reduces an energy meter by one. Energy recharges by one unit every two hours, up to a maximum of three units. When no energy remains the player can not enter a game. Additional stocked energy, which does not recharge, can be purchased with real money. Construction points and XP boosters can also be purchased through real money transactions.

Alternate Names
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation - Banner (World) - 1024x300
World -  1024 x 300

Box - Front

Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation - Box - Front (Japan) - 640x640
Japan -  640 x 640
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation - Box - Front (Hong Kong) - 800x800
Hong Kong -  800 x 800
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation - Box - Front (Japan) - 800x800
Japan -  800 x 800

Clear Logo

Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation - Clear Logo (null) - 558x127
558 x 127