Kagerō no Toki follows Yasha Enbukyoku as the next game in the Zan series. Unlike the previous game, Kagerō no Toki contains no supernatural forces (demons), and instead focuses on concrete events of the Sengoku period in Japan, more exactly 16th century, a period of Japanese history that was marked by continuous wars and famous leaders such as Oda Nobunaga or Tokugawa Ieyasu. The game offers more strategic possibilities than the previous installments of the series. Choosing a region of Japan and its leader, the player can perform a variety of activities, both in his country and towards other leaders. Diplomacy includes negotiation, signing contracts and peace treaties, etc. Battles are also more in-depth than before; instead of semi-automatic encounters battles occur on a separate map, on which the player has to actively navigate his unit, before he engages the enemy in close combat.
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