Despite its name, Slots is not a slot machine simulation, rather it is a variation of the childhood favorite, four in a row (better known by the trademarked name of Connect Four) created by Roger Silva and published originally in COMPUTE!'s Gazette 1986/08 (Issue #38), and then later in SYS PD Diskett#20 (1991). Match wits with a very intelligent opponent — your computer. An intriguing four-level strategy game. Can you outsmart your computer? "Slots" is a strategy game which challenges you to out-think your machine. You and the computer take turns dropping tokens into a box with eight vertical slots. To win, you must get four of your tokens in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Or you can win by being first to put a token at the top position of any slot in the box. Each time you select one of the eight rows in which to place a token, it's dropped to the lowest available position in that slot. Each slot is then filled from bottom to top during play. The game is tricky, though: What often seems to be a good move might be just the stepping stone the computer needs to win.
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