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Illustration of Bingo 64

Bingo 64


Initially released in COMPUTE!'s Gazette 1984/04 (Issue #10), and then later in Best of COMPUTE! & Gazette. "Bingo 64" is a cleverly written computer version of the classic game. It makes good use of the 64's graphics and sound capabilities to provide you and three friends with many exciting games of bingo.

Few people have not known the anticipation, heard the click of the balls, the call of the number, and finally, the excited shout of "Bingo!" Here's a four-player version of this world-famous game written for the Commodore 64.

Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
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Box - Front

Bingo 64 - Box - Front - 2384x3196
North America -  2384 x 3196

Clear Logo

Bingo 64 - Clear Logo - 1168x215
1168 x 215

Screenshot - Game Title

Bingo 64 - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Bingo 64 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200