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Illustration of Duke Xtreme

Duke Xtreme


Duke Xtreme is an add-on for Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition or Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium PAK, bundling online content from various sources in a single package. It contains 50 usermaps and optional replacements for standard weapons. The Mighty Boot, Pistol, Freezethrower, Devastator, and RPG can be replaced with the Knife, Silenced Pistol, Statue Maker (turn enemies into statues by holding the space bar), Devastator with a different look and Roman Candle Launcher respectively. There are also two new enemies: the King Cobra, a giant snake that spits venom, and the Gorilla Captain, a gorilla armed with a mortar launcher.

Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Back

Duke Xtreme - Box - Back (North America) - 800x926
North America -  800 x 926

Box - Front

Duke Xtreme - Box - Front (North America) - 800x924
North America -  800 x 924


Duke Xtreme - Disc (North America) - 722x727
North America -  722 x 727