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Illustration of La Dame de Monsoreau

La Dame de Monsoreau


Originally a Slovakian text adventure, this game was translated into English in 2021 as part of the Slovak digital games translation project by the Slovak Games Developers Association and Slovak Design Museum, funded by the Slovak Arts Council.

This game is based on the book by the famous French novelist, Alexanore Dumas, his La Dame de Monsoreau. IN the game, the hopeless and adventurer and womanizer, Louis de Clermont, more famous as Bussy O'Amboise, once got himself into a fight in which he was wounded. Fortunately, he was found by Diane de Meridor, who called the most famous doctor of the land to help him. The wound healed, but with consequences. The cure heale4d, but Bussy fell in love with Diane, who was married to Mr. de Monsoreau. In this game you can help the hero find a better ending that the one in the book.

Alternate Names
  • Monsoreau
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

La Dame de Monsoreau - Clear Logo (null) - 420x363
420 x 363

Fanart - Box - Front

La Dame de Monsoreau - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 761x1217
761 x 1217

Screenshot - Game Title

La Dame de Monsoreau - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 256x192
256 x 192
La Dame de Monsoreau - Screenshot - Game Title (Russia) - 256x192
Russia -  256 x 192

Screenshot - Gameplay

La Dame de Monsoreau - Screenshot - Gameplay (World) - 960x720
World -  960 x 720