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Illustration of Satochin



Originally a Slovakian text adventure, this game was translated into English in 2021 as part of the Slovak digital games translation project by the Slovak Games Developers Association and Slovak Design Museum, funded by the Slovak Arts Council. This text adventure takes it's name from a Soviet propaganda film.

The game has a built in Mini game hat can be accessed by setting keys to KGB.

Lieutenant Nikolai Terrorovich Jasin's 7th naval division stopped reporting in. Thanks to the T-52 tanks the situation on the battlefront has stabilized. Hence general staff suspect Rambo of this mischief. This saboteur attacked the rearguard. Major Satochin was deployed to investigate the situation.

Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

Satochin - Clear Logo (null) - 440x90
440 x 90

Fanart - Box - Front

Satochin - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 513x815
513 x 815

Screenshot - Game Select

Satochin - Screenshot - Game Select (Europe) - 256x192
Europe -  256 x 192

Screenshot - Game Title

Satochin - Screenshot - Game Title (Europe) - 256x192
Europe -  256 x 192

Screenshot - Gameplay

Satochin - Screenshot - Gameplay (Europe) - 256x192
Europe -  256 x 192