The Goonies is based on a movie of the same name from 1985. The game consists of six levels. In each level, you must collect three keys to advance to the next area. These can be found by blowing open doors with bombs that are dropped by enemies. Also hidden behind doors are power-ups and other Goonies to rescue. Trying to stop you are enemies such as rats, skeletons, and even members of the Fratelli Gang. Bonus points can be gained by picking up diamonds and other valuables, rescuing the other Goonies, or by dispatching enemies with your slingshot or kicking them. PlayChoice-10 is an arcade machine that can consist of as many as 10 different games previously available only on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) home console. The games for this system are in the modular form of circuit boards that are plugged into one of the ten open slots on the PlayChoice-10's motherboard.
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