Revarsi is a German language 2 player only Othello/Reversi game for the C64. It was developed by Stefan Büdenbender and published by Markt & Technik in 64'er 1989/05. Revarsi is a two-player game that bears a strong resemblance to the well-known strategy game. The game is played on a ten by ten grid. task of the two players. is to fill these squares with their game pieces. However, these may only be placed on the border fields. For this purpose, both players alternately enter the number of the desired border field and the direction (Y, H, G or B). from which the stone is to be pushed into the playing field. If the selected field is already 3oin occupied, all stones of the corresponding line or column are shifted in the direction of the opposite side of the matrix. Opposing stones that are enclosed between two of your own turn into your own stones and earn the player one point each. These points are not displayed, but the number of the player who is currently in the lead is displayed. It is the second number after the word player. The first indicates. who is currently in line. Since the game can theoretically be played endlessly, you can end it with "F8".
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