Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan! is a spin-off of the Ryū ga Gotoku series that takes place in Kyoto in 1605. The game features mostly the same style of gameplay though its combat focus is on swordplay and not martial arts. After being defeated by the Tokugawa clan at the historical Battle of Sekigahara, Miyamoto Musashi retires life as a swordsman to become a modest bodyguard in Kyoto. Five years later a little girl named Haruka comes to Kyoto seeking a hitman known as Kazumanosuke Kiryu which is actually Miyamoto's new identity. After eventually finding Kiryu, Haruka asks for him to assassinate an impostor pretending to be Miyamoto Musashi. At first, Kiryu refuses, but when the girl goes as far as becoming an indentured servant in an opulent brothel in order to pay for the assassination he accepts the request.
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