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Illustration of Pentagram



This is a port of the fourth game in the isometric Saberman series to the Commodore 128. In the game you must recover the lost Pentagram, an artifact of magical power. Firstly, Sabreman must locate one of the wells located in the maze of screens, shoot it several times with his spell and take the resultant bucket of water to one of the broken obelisks. When dropped on these, the water will "heal" the stone. This must be done with each of the four obelisks to make the titular Pentagram appear in one of the rooms. Once this is done, five magic runestones must be found and placed on the Pentagram itself.

No information available
Alternate Names
  • Pentagram: Improved Edition
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No information available


Clear Logo

Pentagram - Clear Logo (null) - 550x436
550 x 436

Screenshot - Game Title

Pentagram - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 851x573
851 x 573
Pentagram - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 855x576
855 x 576

Screenshot - Gameplay

Pentagram - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 852x576
852 x 576