Colossal Cave Adventure, aka Adventure, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction Colossal Cave Revisited. Release 3 Serial number 951220. Ported to the Commodore 128 for 40/80 Column by Lee Burt aka Thanatos916. This was the first adventure game; the whole genre is named after it. Without it, Infocom would have been just another maker of business software, Sierra On-line would be primarily known for adaptations of coin-op video game. A detailed description of this game's history and significance can be found in Graham Nelson's "The Craft of Adventure". Ignoring the profound historical significance for a moment, it's a treasure hunt in a cave, like most of the early adventures (including Zork). It has a verb-noun parser, minimal detail, two big annoying mazes, magic words, nonsense puzzles, and occasional death without warning. None of this matters. Download it anyway. You cannot consider yourself a true adventurer until you've played this game.
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