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Illustration of Colossal Cave Adventure

Colossal Cave Adventure


Colossal Cave Adventure, aka Adventure, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction Colossal Cave Revisited. Release 3 Serial number 951220. Ported to the Commodore 128 for 40/80 Column by Lee Burt aka Thanatos916.

This was the first adventure game; the whole genre is named after it. Without it, Infocom would have been just another maker of business software, Sierra On-line would be primarily known for adaptations of coin-op video game. A detailed description of this game's history and significance can be found in Graham Nelson's "The Craft of Adventure".

Ignoring the profound historical significance for a moment, it's a treasure hunt in a cave, like most of the early adventures (including Zork). It has a verb-noun parser, minimal detail, two big annoying mazes, magic words, nonsense puzzles, and occasional death without warning. None of this matters. Download it anyway. You cannot consider yourself a true adventurer until you've played this game.

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Alternate Names
  • Adventure
  • Colossal Cave Revisited 128
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

Colossal Cave Adventure - Clear Logo (null) - 348x188
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Fanart - Box - Front

Colossal Cave Adventure - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 480x639
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Screenshot - Game Title

Colossal Cave Adventure - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 856x576
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Screenshot - Gameplay

Colossal Cave Adventure - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 855x578
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