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Illustration of Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey

Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey


S.A.G.A. #6: Strange Odyssey is an update of the text-only version. It had many additional features including: Hi-Res graphics, Text-to-Speech hardware support, upper- and lowercase support for display (but not for input).

Gameplay is very similar to the original. You still used the same one or two word commands to move about and manipulate objects. The RETURN key toggled back and forth between graphics and text.

The game begins with the player stranded on a tiny asteroid in a damaged spaceship. The player must use an alien teleportation device to travel to distant worlds, collect treasure, and find the materials to repair the spacecraft.

Scott Adams
Atari 800
Alternate Names
  • S.A.G.A. #6: Stange Odyssey
No information available


Box - Back

Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey - Box - Back - 639x932
United States -  639 x 932

Box - Front

Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey - Box - Front - 639x939
United States -  639 x 939

Clear Logo

Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey - Clear Logo - 2400x890
United States -  2400 x 890


Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey - Disc - 449x440
United States -  449 x 440

Screenshot - Game Title

Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey - Screenshot - Game Title - 336x240
United States -  336 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Scott Adams' Graphic Adventure #6: Strange Odyssey - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x224
United States -  336 x 224