A math-centric educational game created by Vince Apps and published in 1984 in the book "40 Educational Games for the Commodore 64". This is a game where you have to think ahead and predict the next numbers to appear on the screen. Your computer will start to print a string of numbers such as 1 1 , 22, 33, 44 and will then stop and ask you to predict the next numbers which are, of course, 55. As soon as you think you know the next number, press any key to stop the sequence then type in your answer and press RETURN. The correct answer will be rewarded by scoring a point on the board and a wrong answer will mean that the computer will show you the right number before moving on to the next string of numbers. Remember that the quicker you stop the sequence, the more points you score. As soon as you reach 50 points, the computer will stop and give you your average score.
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