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Illustration of Motorola Invaders 2

Motorola Invaders 2


Motorola Invaders 2 is a Space Invaders type game in which you are trying to save your computer from viruses. The viruses come swarming down randomly and they don't fire at you. When you shoot one virus, it falls, and if it hits you on the way down you'll lose one life. You'll also lose one life if a virus reaches the ground alive. There are eight levels in game and there is no score, you just need to shoot all aliens. In game music is sampled song from Metallica, Sad But True.

Martin Rebas
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

Motorola Invaders 2 - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175

Fanart - Box - Front

Motorola Invaders 2 - Fanart - Box - Front - 798x1072
798 x 1072

Screenshot - Game Title

Motorola Invaders 2 - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x256
World -  320 x 256

Screenshot - Gameplay

Motorola Invaders 2 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x256
World -  320 x 256
Motorola Invaders 2 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x256
World -  320 x 256