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Illustration of The Zing

The Zing


After a series of events at the advanced polar base you look outside the base. Temperatures are very low and you have to get in, but there are creatures everywhere. The fire has spread and as it is chemical fire does not go out with the cold. Finds from a note reveals that the digs to enter the base are hidden by the auxiliary buildings. Stay on them, destroy the creatures and get those digs to get in.

Once inside you realize that all your companions are infected and decide to destroy all the creatures and the most important thing, burn and take the blood samples so that no one can experience this plague.

There are several types of weapons at the base, pilots, revolvers and flamethrowers, plan well your strategy to use the flamethrower, it is the best weapon and allow you to live longer. Watch out for the chemical fire and flammable boxes, a blow, a shot or a flame can make them burn and that will do your job more difficult.

Don't trust yourself, these creatures hide in any corner and can attack when you least expect it...

Alternate Names
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Clear Logo

The Zing - Clear Logo - 1223x276
1223 x 276

Fanart - Box - Front

The Zing - Fanart - Box - Front - 798x1072
World -  798 x 1072

Screenshot - Game Title

The Zing - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x256
World -  320 x 256

Screenshot - Gameplay

The Zing - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x256
World -  320 x 256
The Zing - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x256
World -  320 x 256