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Illustration of Battle Warp

Battle Warp


Each person controls his own player (either a lunar lander or saucer) over the playfield using a joystick. Each can fire a torpedo, but only one per player is allowed at a time. The object is to hit your opponent 9 times. No aiming is needed as these torpedoes automatically alter direction and follow your fleeing opponent, unless they should happen to encounter one of the other three types of fixed objects randomly scattered across the field. (The number of these objects is user selectable.) The first are spacewarps into which a torpedo or player may enter, emerging at another spacewarp. The second and third are black holes and novas

which act as obstacles.

John Harris
Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Cart - Front

Battle Warp - Cart - Front - 1000x645
1000 x 645

Screenshot - Game Title

Battle Warp - Screenshot - Game Title - 336x224
North America -  336 x 224

Screenshot - Gameplay

Battle Warp - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x224
North America -  336 x 224