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Illustration of 4 Lynx 4

4 Lynx 4


Based on the Connect 4 board game, this is a game by Amphru Destiny for up to 4 players. This version has a scoring system built into it. The grid is made up of different shapes, and when a player gets four in a row, they are awarded score depending on which shapes make up the four in a row. It also has an anti-gravity feature which can lead to some interesting play.

Amphru Destiny
Amphru Destiny
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

4 Lynx 4 - Clear Logo - 1916x260
1916 x 260

Fanart - Box - Front

4 Lynx 4 - Fanart - Box - Front - 798x1072
798 x 1072

Screenshot - Game Title

4 Lynx 4 - Screenshot - Game Title - 654x530
654 x 530

Screenshot - Gameplay

4 Lynx 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay - 708x516
708 x 516