An AMOS freeware game created by Martijn Stam and Dennis van Koningsbruggen for Dimensions Software. The game title is the developers name backwards. It was released in 1995 and came with a built in level editor. Once upon a time in a country very, very near, there was a tragedy going on. The evil king Commodore had gone mad and wanted to destroy his only daughter, princess Amiga. Helped by his evil slaves, the liquidators, king Commodore is going to make a BIG MISTAKE. So it is time for you, prince Pleasance, to go to the castle in Maidenhead and defeat the evil ones. In the castle you will come across many dangers, as the king has turned his castle into a fortress. But with quick thinking, fast action, power ups and some bravery you will reach your beloved princess just in time! And if you need any help with the quest, prince Proudfoot is there to help you. Good luck, you will need it!
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