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Illustration of Málaga Vice

Málaga Vice


The Mayor of the city is tired of the "heat" atmosphere that is spreading through the city. Citizens complain about knicker fights in the streets. The concentrations of these bands are leading to it being very Hard to walk down the street or have something on a terrace, it's all Threatened by these individuals, even the fair has become a lonely place out of fear.

Fortunately you have been tasked with cleaning the streets of all the members of this band outside the law.

Alternate Names
  • Malaga Vice
No information available


Fanart - Box - Front

Málaga Vice - Fanart - Box - Front - 798x1072
798 x 1072

Screenshot - Game Title

Málaga Vice - Screenshot - Game Title - 633x526
633 x 526

Screenshot - Gameplay

Málaga Vice - Screenshot - Gameplay - 642x450
642 x 450
Málaga Vice - Screenshot - Gameplay - 693x505
693 x 505