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Illustration of Atlas of Canada

Atlas of Canada


Atlas of Canada is a program for learning the provinces of Canada, their capitals, and various landmarks. The landmarks include lakes, islands, bays, rivers, straits, and prominent cities. The program draws an outline of Canada, and then highlights a province and its capital, or landmark. You identify the entity based on its position on the map, and a clue (for example "province" or "river"). If you guess wrong, the correct name displays. The outline then changes to blue and the program repeats these steps for another entity until all the provinces and their capitals, along with the landmarks, are outlined on the map.

Atlas of Canada displays your number of correct answers as you prgress through the game. It presents the provinces and landmarks in a different order each time you begin a new session.

The game was coded in Atari BASIC by Ronald Borta, and published by APX in 1982.

Ronald Borta
Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

Atlas of Canada - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 532x1018
North America -  532 x 1018

Box - Front

Atlas of Canada - Box - Front - 1244x1642
North America -  1244 x 1642

Clear Logo

Atlas of Canada - Clear Logo - 2400x175
North America -  2400 x 175


Atlas of Canada - Disc - 1000x994
North America -  1000 x 994

Screenshot - Gameplay

Atlas of Canada - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x240
336 x 240