A collect-em-up game created by Paul Choquette and published in COMPUTE!'s Gazette 1987/11 (Issue #53). Collect the trash left by aggressive garbage-loving insects in this fast-paced arcade game for the 64. Waste disposal was never this exciting. A joystick and disk drive are required. It's your first day on the job and you're already considering retirement. Being the city's chief sanitation officer sounded great at first- prestige, a fancy uniform, and even your own official waste receptacle-but no one told you about the bugs. It seems that the city has been infested with a rare breed of giant insects: litterbugs, to be exact. Every time you begin collecting trash, these litterbugs attack, chasing you throughout the city. Talk about an insect problem. Now, in a high-risk occupation such as litter control, you're bound to run into some trouble now and then. These bugs play dirty: Not only do they litter the streets-if they catch you picking up their trash, they'll soil your uniform. And no self-respecting sanitation officer would be caught dead in a soiled uniform. So, every time a litterbug catches you, you must go back to headquarters, change your uniform, and return to duty. It's a dirty job,
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