Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield features a P.O.D (Panoramic Optical Display) that resembles a Mobile Suit Cockpit. It has adjustable seats, surround sound speakers, a projector screen, and controls both at the hands and feet. A single game lasts about 10–15 minutes and mostly has 4 P.O.Ds or more. If you are with other people voice chat can be possible between players, though it is not required. Each person must insert their pilot card into its slot and money to begin gameplay. Gameplay between players oversea is possible and available. In the game, players become pilots of giant robot mobile suits from the anime series. Pilots play through two battle scenarios lasting a total game time of ten minutes. A large monitor replays the last battle and an angled touch screen user interface is used to manage pilot battle data. Almost all text is in kanji, hiragana, and katakana.
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