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Illustration of Dream Vacation Solitaire

Dream Vacation Solitaire


Dream Vacation Solitaire is a single player, mouse controlled solitaire game with a Caribbean sailing theme.

The main game is played in 'Vacation mode' and consists of five levels each of which uses a different island background. The player plays five games of solitaire on each and as they win games they will unlock the next island, possibly trophies and points which will be automatically used to upgrade their boat. When they have won all five games they will have a chance to pay an additional game at a harder level and a bonus mini game.

There is also the option to play the thirty varieties of solitaire games in 'Classic' mode which is just for fun, however many are locked at the outset and need to be unlocked by playing the 'journey' game.

Oberon Games
Alternate Names
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Box - Front

Dream Vacation Solitaire - Box - Front - 320x240
World -  320 x 240

Screenshot - Game Title

Dream Vacation Solitaire - Screenshot - Game Title - 800x600
800 x 600

Screenshot - Gameplay

Dream Vacation Solitaire - Screenshot - Gameplay - 2560x1440
2560 x 1440
Dream Vacation Solitaire - Screenshot - Gameplay - 2560x1440
2560 x 1440