“Ori and the Blind Forest” tells the tale of a young orphan destined for heroics, through a visually stunning Action-Platformer crafted by Moon Studios. Featuring hand-painted artwork, meticulously animated character performance, a fully orchestrated score and dozens of new features in the Definitive Edition, “Ori and the Blind Forest” explores a deeply emotional story about love and sacrifice, and the hope that exists in us all. In "Ori and the Will of the Wisps" embark on an all-new adventure in a vast and exotic world where you’ll encounter towering enemies and challenging puzzles on your quest to discover Ori’s true destiny. Immerse yourself in a hand-crafted narrative experience with deeply emotional storytelling, strikingly beautiful environments, and a stunning soundtrack. Master new skills to guide Ori through a journey of untold danger using newly acquired spirit weapons, spells, and attacks. Utilize an all-new shard system to power-up Ori’s newfound abilities. Face larger-than-life bosses and seek help from an expansive cast of new characters who will help you uncover Ori’s mysterious fate.
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E - Everyone