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Illustration of Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure


Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure is a total revamp and reworking of Super Mario Starlight Remix. It is essentially what that hack would've been had I made it with my current hacking skills and all the resources that have come along since 2006. This 44-level hack includes:

* Custom hand-drawn graphics

* Custom music

* Custom sprites

* Custom blocks

* ASM hacks

Gamma V
No information available
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Box - 3D - 435x375
North America -  435 x 375

Box - Front

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Box - Front - 1080x720
North America -  1080 x 720

Cart - Front

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Cart - Front - 787x509
North America -  787 x 509

Clear Logo

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Clear Logo - 1505x531
World -  1505 x 531

Fanart - Box - Front

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Fanart - Box - Front - 1500x1000
World -  1500 x 1000

Screenshot - Game Title

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Screenshot - Game Title - 1440x1080
1440 x 1080

Screenshot - Gameplay

Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x224
256 x 224
Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x224
256 x 224
Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x224
256 x 224
Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x224
256 x 224