Toilet Paper Stacker

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore 64
Game Type type
Max Players players

While we are going through pretty tough times in lock down at the moment. I wanted to make use of some of my time with boredom. So while there was nothing else to do, I worked on a fun little game, which I designed and programmed in Arthur Jordison's CBM PRG STUDIO (Which I recommend you check out, it's a fun cross-platform CBM development suite) . The game is called "Toilet Paper Stacker". The Commodore 64 has contracted a deadly virus, which has now been concealed inside a glass cabinet. Your job is to try and break the glass by stacking over sized toilet paper on to the glass cabinet. After a 7th successful stack, the glass will break and the virus gets wiped out. You will have five minutes to score as many points as you possibly can. There's a slight catch though. You have 3 chances. If you drop a toilet roll and it doesn't successfully stack, a chance is lost. The game ends after all chances are lost, or the time runs out. Try to score as many points as you possibly can. I know this game is unrealistic, but it should be fun. Released as part of the CSDb C64 Lockdown 2020 Fun Compo.

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