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Illustration of Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4


Battlefield 4 is a military first-person shooter set in the near future and basically a direct continuation of Battlefield 3. Like all games in the series, the focus is on its multiplayer mode in which player either take the role of an assault (front soldiers with medic abilities), recon (snipers), support (front soldiers who can give out ammo) or engineers (explosives experts). All classes have special abilities and gadgets which can be unlocked over time. In a variety of mostly team-based playing variants - most importantly conquest in which certain points on the maps have to be held by the own team and the faster rush mode with an defending team and an attacking team which has to destroy certain points - players face each other on usually big maps with a variety of vehicles to use.

Of course this instalments features various small and big differences to its predecessors. The most important are the interactive "Levolution" elements which emphasize the destroyable areas; one of the unique selling points of the Frostbite engine: each map has one level element which significantly changes how the level looks and plays when destroyed. Battlefield 4 also brings back two elements from previous instalments: naval warfare and the commander mode. The commander is an additional player who sees the level from an overhead map, gives orders to the team members and can assign missile strikes. In contrast to Battlefield 2, the commander is not an actual player character on the battlefield and therefore can't be killed. New playing modes are Defuse (both teams have to detonate a bomb in a target zone, each player has only one "life" per round) and Obliteration (there spawns only one bomb pack on the map which has to be used to detonate three points on the map).

Like the predecessor, Battlefield 4 features a singleplayer campaign. A Chinese general overthrows the government, starts a war with the whole world (but is allied with Russia) and the USA has to save the day. The player takes the role of a faceless soldier named Recker, as commander of a small troop he can assign basic orders, who has to survive several missions of the usual Call of Duty variety: linear levels with a lot of boom and hundreds of enemies to shoot. In comparison to Battlefield 3, some levels are a bit more and in some cases the player drives a vehicle. Of course there are also the usual stealth and torture sequences. There is no co-op mode anymore.

The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions only allow 24 instead of 64 players at a time and have therefore smaller multiplayer maps.

Electronic Arts
Alternate Names
No information available



Battlefield 4 - Banner (null) - 760x140
760 x 140

Box - 3D

Battlefield 4 - Box - 3D (Europe) - 984x1365
Europe -  984 x 1365

Box - Back

Battlefield 4 - Box - Back (North America) - 1014x1169
North America -  1014 x 1169
Battlefield 4 - Box - Back (Australia) - 701x800
Australia -  701 x 800

Box - Front

Battlefield 4 - Box - Front (North America) - 640x738
North America -  640 x 738
Battlefield 4 - Box - Front (North America) - 691x800
North America -  691 x 800
Battlefield 4 - Box - Front (Australia) - 694x800
Australia -  694 x 800

Box - Spine

Battlefield 4 - Box - Spine (North America) - 63x656
North America -  63 x 656
Battlefield 4 - Box - Spine (Australia) - 75x800
Australia -  75 x 800

Clear Logo

Battlefield 4 - Clear Logo (null) - 1989x901
1989 x 901


Battlefield 4 - Disc (Europe) - 770x775
Europe -  770 x 775
Battlefield 4 - Disc (North America) - 743x742
North America -  743 x 742

Fanart - Background

Battlefield 4 - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Battlefield 4 - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Battlefield 4 - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080
Battlefield 4 - Fanart - Background (null) - 1920x1080
1920 x 1080

Screenshot - Game Select

Battlefield 4 - Screenshot - Game Select (null) - 1200x675
1200 x 675

Screenshot - Game Title

Battlefield 4 - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 1200x675
1200 x 675

Screenshot - Gameplay

Battlefield 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 1280x720
1280 x 720
Battlefield 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 1280x720
1280 x 720
Battlefield 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 1280x720
1280 x 720
Battlefield 4 - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 1280x720
1280 x 720