PANAMA JOE, That’s what they call him ‘round these parts; though no one knows his real name or where he comes from. But one thing’s for sure, PANAMA JOE’s a daredevil from the word “go!” No risk’s too great if the reward’s large enough. Winning. That’s what’s the most important to him. And more times than not, that’s exactly what he does. Because he’s tough, clever – resourceful. And sometimes, downright pig-headed! Though occasionally (ah-hum), he’s been known to get in over his head. Luckily, he’s got a knack for getting himself out of hot water as quickly as he gets into it! Let’s hope MONTEZUMA’S REVENGE is one of those times.
When you enter the treasure room, keep pushing against the right side (where you came in) until the music stops – you won’t fall through the floor. You’ll then be able to collect as many treasures as you wish, but the curse is you can’t exit this room.
Other versions with a different title:
Montezuma Revenge
Montezumas Revenge
- Developers
- Parker Brothers
- Publishers
- Parker Brothers
- Platform
- Atari 2600
- Genre
- Platform
- Alternate Names
- Montezuma's Revenge: Featuring Panama Joe
- Montezuma's Revenge: Starring Panama Joe