
Torin's Passage

Release Date calendar
October 31, 1995
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

"Curse the quick thinking of the Arch Authority, snatching the child away before his doom was sealed. Had the lad been with the rest, surely my suffering would have ceased years ago. At last I have found him, but in a world of isolation and innocence. He has no idea of the twists and turns his life has taken thus far, nor the path I have planned for his very short future. Just let him try to discover the truth, and learn the secrets of Strata's five nested worlds. Watching his struggle will be an amusement. Facing him will be horribly wonderful." Torin is a young boy who lives in a little country house on a planet called Strata with his parents and with his purple cat-like friend Boogle. One day he returns home, only to find out his parents were imprisoned in a magical spell. Apparently, the spell was cast by a sorceress named Lycentia. He must now travel to distant lands to find a way to remove the spell and confront the sorceress. What he doesn't know is that this journey will also help him to discover his true origins and his true purpose in life... Created by Al Lowe of Leisure Suit Larry fame, Torin's Passage is a fairy tale-like humorous adventure with cartoon-style graphics and animations. Torin interacts with characters and objects in a point-and-click fashion, and can also use Boogle's special shape-shifting abilities. During their journey, Boogle will learn how to turn into a variety of objects, which is essential for solving many of the game's puzzles. The game also has many traditional inventory-based tasks as well as other types of puzzles. To facilitate the puzzle-solving, the game has a built-in hint system; using the hints will deduce points from the player's score.

Alternate Names

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E - Everyone

Sierra On-Line
Sierra On-Line
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