A game where you'll chomp and chase all day!
Chubby Cherub is a chivalrous little angle whose life is far from trouble free. He gets bitten by dogs and pecked at by birds. Firecrackers are thrown at him and smoke puffs cover him from head to toe. And all because he wants to help people-and get some food to eat!
Your skills can get Chubby Cherub out of trouble. In this fun-filled, fast-paced Game Pak, you and Chubby Cherub can go on endless adventures. And with you at the controls, Chubby Cherub can rescue his friend, perform his deeds, and make the day a cheerful one!
The original Japanese version of the game is about a ghost named Q-tarō, a character from a Fujiko Fujio manga series titled Obake no Q-tarō. It was retitled and heavily modified for its North American release since its source material was not familiar to Western audiences. In 2014, the original Japanese version was fully translated by fans and released as Q-Taro the Ghost - Bow Wow Panic.
- Developers
- Publishers
- BandaiBandai America
- Platform
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Genre
- Platform
- Alternate Names
- Obake no Q Tarou: Wan Wan PanicJapan
- Obake no Q Tarou: Wanwan Panic
- Q-tarou the Ghost: Bow Wow Panic
- Q-Taro the Ghost: Bow Wow PanicWorld
- オバケのQ太郎 ワンワンパニックJapan