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Illustration of Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses

Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses


Two titles are available in this cart:

Catch the Ball puts one or two players in the role of a circus clown who has to catch a while ball which comes rolling down a maze of obstacles. The clown has to try to follow the ball as it falls its unpredictable path. A time limit of three "game minutes" is counted down and the player with more balls caught by the end of the time wins. The joystick is used to move the clown left or right and the "action" button accelerates his movements. There are 6 possible variations, with the players taking turns after each ball caught, taking turns after each miss or in a single player mode, with the time limit on or off for each mode.

Noughts and Crosses is also known as tic-tac-toe. Players move a "+" cursor over the 9 square matrix and place either blue noughts or red squares. The first to get three symbols in a straight line wins. If all six symbols have been placed and there's no winner, they can be removed by placing the cursor over and pressing the action button and then be replaced.

Alternate Names
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Box - 3D

Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses - Box - 3D - 337x508
337 x 508

Box - Front

Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses - Box - Front - 888x1227
888 x 1227

Cart - Front

Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses - Cart - Front - 624x990
Europe -  624 x 990

Clear Logo

Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses - Clear Logo - 400x160
Europe -  400 x 160

Screenshot - Gameplay

Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x480
Europe -  640 x 480
Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses - Screenshot - Gameplay - 640x480
Europe -  640 x 480