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Illustration of InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator

InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator


Now you can check the spelling of over 60,000 of the most frequently misspelled words without consulting the dictionary!

Just type in the word as you think it is spelled and the InfoGenius Spell Checker instantly shows you the correct spelling. If the word is misspelled, the Spell Checker finds its most probably match...phonetically.

Plus, the cartridge converts your Game Boy into a full-functioning calculator! It's the ideal tool for business people, students, and travelers.

Much faster and more convenient than any dictionary, the Spell Checker and Calculator is perfect for desk, home, and use on the go.

Put it all right at your fingertips, with instant access to the information you need when you need it... with the InfoGenius Spell Checker and Calculator.

Alternate Names
  • Houghton Mifflin Spell Checker and CalculatorEuropeFlag of Europe region
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Box - Back

InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator - Box - Back - 640x643
North America -  640 x 643

Box - Front

InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator - Box - Front - 640x637
North America -  640 x 637

Box - Front - Reconstructed

InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 500x500
North America -  500 x 500

Clear Logo

InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator - Clear Logo - 552x443
552 x 443
InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator - Clear Logo - 400x175
North America -  400 x 175

Screenshot - Game Title

InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator - Screenshot - Game Title - 1244x1120
United States -  1244 x 1120