Have fun with some real headbangers... THE INCREDIBLE CRASH DUMMIES!! Spare Tire's been dummy-napped, and it's up to Slick 'n' Spin to rescue him from the clutches of The Junkman! Lend 'em a hand as they: Slam and jam on the Crash Test Center tire bounce! Try not to fall head over heels on the Big Top high wire! Go to pieces steering clear of rowdy truckers on The Docks! Shake a leg past snarling dogs and runaway tires at The Junkyard! Knock heads with the Junkman to set Spare Tire free! THE INCREDIBLE CRASH DUMMIES... where fun is a farewell to arms!
- Developers
- Teeny Weeny Games
- Publishers
- Flying Edge
- Platform
- Sega Game Gear
- Genre
- Action
- Alternate Names
- Crash Dummy: Slick Bouya no DaichousenJapan
- Crash DummiesEurope