
Life is Strange

Release Date calendar
January 30, 2015
Game Type type

No information available

Max Players players

Life Is Strange is a graphic adventure, played from a third-person view. Introducing the mechanic of rewinding time allows the player to go back and redo any action other than what is done past a checkpoint (however long a checkpoint lasts). The choices made will alter and affect the story through short, mid or long-term consequences. Dontnod creative director Jean-Maxime Moris added however that "for each one of your choices that you make there's no definite answer. Something good in the short-term might turn out worse later". Whenever a course of action poses an influence to the story, a butterfly symbol comes into view. Dialogue exchanges can be rewound while branching options are used for conversation. Once an event is reset, the details provided earlier are permitted to avail themselves in the future. Items that are collected before time traveling will be kept in the inventory after the fact. The player can also examine and interact with objects indicated by a system of hand drawn icons, which enables puzzle solving.

Alternate Names

No information available




M - Mature

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