This sequel to Midwinter takes place years after the events of the first game. The world has thawed and Midwinter has dissapeared beneath the ocean. It's legacy, the Peaceful Atlantic Federation is facing an invasion by the slave trading Saharan Empire. Between the two lie the Slave isles, a chain of islands under the oppressive thumb of the Saharans. You are a covert operative for the Atlantic Federation. Your mission is to conduct assassinations, enlist rebels and sabotage the Saharans operations in the slave isles. As you carry out these open-ended missions, the islands will rebel and aid your efforts when the Saharan invasion finally comes. Flames of freedom uses the same engine as Midwinter for land, air, and sea travel (and combat) but now, you control only a single customizable character. A strategic map allows you to identify key islands for your cause and determine the mission objectives that will sway it's population to your cause. Then, it's up to you to head in and carry out the mission as you see fit (perhaps guns first, perhaps with a big bag of money, perhaps just relying on your charm). Flames of Freedom mixes first person action with strategy, vehicle combat, and diplomacy for a unique gaming experience that carries on the Midwinter legacy.
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