Perestroika (also known as Toppler) is a Soviet video game released in 1990 by a small software developer called Locis (Nikita Skripkin, Aleksander Okrug and Dmitry Chikin, currently - Nikita online) in 1990, and named after Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of Perestroika. The frog symbolizes a democrat and the lilies, symbolizing the ever-changing laws and acts, constantly shrink and disappear only to appear in other places. Player can collect dots in four colours, blue symbolizing grocery goods, red currency transactions, yellow taxes and brown business ventures. A currency transaction can sometimes add extra life, a tax reduces the score and a company can sometimes sink the figure. From the seventh level, the game also feature one or more evil creatures called "bureaucrats" which follow the frog and try to eat it. The frog dies if the lily pad on which it is standing disappears, if the player moves it to a place where there is no lily pad, or if it is caught by a bureaucrat.
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