Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

Snarf is an adventure game with perhaps a bit of a Robotron influence. The hero can fire his weapon in any of four directions while moving in any other direction, so coordination with both hands is important. The hero must find keys in order to reach the next level, while monsters called Snarfs spawn out of Snarf nests. The Snarfs will never stop coming, but they will spawn out of the nearest nest, so it's possible to wipe them out in one area and lead them to spawn in an area where they won't bother you. There are teleporters which the Snarfs can't use, and hit points can be restored at aid stations. Hit points aren't restored at the end of levels, so it can be a real endurance match to survive to the next level that has an aid station. A fun and challenging game for gamers of any age. There are 50 levels in this game, with only the first 20 playable in the shareware version.

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