Doraemon 2: Nobita To Hikari No Shinden is an action-adventure and exploration game based on the popular anime and manga series, Doraemon, and follows the adventures of the titular robotic cat and his human friend, Nobita. The gameplay involves exploration and puzzle-solving, as players navigate through various levels to collect items, defeat enemies, and solve challenges. The game features multiple playable characters, including Doraemon, Nobita, and their friends, each with unique abilities and skills. The plot of the game revolves around the discovery of a hidden temple, where a mysterious treasure is said to be hidden. Doraemon and his friends embark on a quest to find the treasure, but they must first overcome a series of obstacles and challenges to reach their goal. Along the way, they must navigate through different environments, including forests, temples, and other mysterious places, battle enemies, and collect items to help them in their journey.
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