
I Love Softball

Release Date calendar
December 19, 1989
Game Type type

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Max Players players

Games end after seven innings unless the two teams have an identical score (tie game). The object is to win the championship using female softball players. Players must choose between the six major high schools from all of the regions of Japan. The artificial intelligence of the game is strong, causing even strong human-controlled teams to frequently lose to the computer. It is possible to throw an underhanded pitch in this game up to 120 kilometres per hour (75 mph). After winning the Japanese high school championship, the player must take on the American women's softball team before becoming a professional softball player.The game looks similar to a video game that belongs to the Family Stadium baseball video game franchise. Players play their high school games at Hanshin Kōshien Stadium. If the player loses one game, play starts over unless the player uses a password to return to the previous round. The game's password feature allows games to be replayed and maintains total memory of which teams have already been defeated. However, the passwords and long and very difficult to remember. Pachio-kun, an anime-like pachinko ball that is famous for starring in the game American Dream (which was made by the same company as I Love Softball), announces the team that will be batting for three outs.

Alternate Names

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