Senkaiden: TV Animation Senkaiden Houshin Engi Yori is a RPG based on the Houshin Engi japanese manga series by Ryu Fujisaki. Houshin Engi was inspired by an ancient Chinese novel Fengshen Yanyi. The story involves the Chinese mythology and history of China, in particular the last members of the In (Yin Dynasty) and the plot to overthrow them. The story is set in legendary China. A beautiful female fox spirit named Dakki So is controlling the emperor Chuu-oh and the ruling In (Yin) dynasty, and is using her power over him to do evil in the nation. An immortal-in-training named Taikoubou is chosen by the great immortal sages for the Houshin Project to seal away or destroy the evil demons that infest the world. In the course of his adventures, Taikoubou gathers other powerful companions and sets out to seal away the demons and eventually destroy Dakki herself.
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