
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball

Release Date calendar
January 25, 1995
Game Type type
Max Players players

Dr. Robotnik plans on turning the animals of Mobius into robots by using his volcano powered Veg-O=Fortress factory. He has set up a pinball security system for this factory to keep all the captured animals from escaping. Now it's up to Sonic the Hedgehog to free his captive animal friends and put a stop to Robotnik's plans. The game consists of four pinball stages. Sonic will have to get through the Toxic Pools, Lava Powerhouse, The Machine, and The Final Showdown to take down Robotnik. The levels consist of typical pinball fair such as bumpers, flippers, annd drop targets which open up gated parts of a stage. In stage 1 and 2 Sonic must collect 3 chaos emeralds, and 5 chaos emeralds in stages 3 and 4, in order for a chance to fight the stage boss. There are also the Bonus Cage special stage that can be played after a stage boss is defeated. During this portion of the game, Sonic can find items that will reward him with things like extra time, points, rings. continues, or extra lives. The game also offers a one last chance to return to the game after running out of lives by having the player attempt to stop a spinning number wheel on a four digit number that matches the player's last four digits of their current score. This version of Sonic the Hedgehog: Spinball differs from the Genesis version as the stage layouts are different among other changes.

Alternate Names
  • Sonic Spinball World World
  • Songic Spinball World World

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