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Illustration of Phantom of the Asteroids

Phantom of the Asteroids


A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth, and the only way to destroy it is to find 36 uranium cubes and gather them in one place. You are equipped with a jet-pack which you use to navigate the asteroid, but it has a limited amount of fuel, and when it is running low, you need to refill at the fuel depots scattered around the asteroid. Your oxygen also depletes, but you can restock on this as well.Your task of finding the uranium cube is made hard by three types of force fields, which block different sections of the asteroid. Each type can be deactivated for a different period of time by standing on their respective control pads. To make matters worse, creatures known as Phantoms know about your task and will home in on your location. The only thing that they do is disappear upon contact, draining your energy in the process. Like oxygen and fuel, energy can be restored by finding energy depots. Other hazards to be on the look out for include fire, spikes, and poisonous plants. If you make contact with any of these, the game is over. Once you have found all the uranium cubes and gathered them in one place, you have five minutes to reach the teleport and escape before the nuclear explosion blows up the asteroid. You can save and load games anytime during the game.

Martin Ellis
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
  • Phantom Of The Asteroid


Box - 3D

Phantom of the Asteroids - Box - 3D - 506x903
Europe -  506 x 903

Box - Back

Phantom of the Asteroids - Box - Back - 292x1197
Europe -  292 x 1197

Box - Front

Phantom of the Asteroids - Box - Front - 751x1193
Europe -  751 x 1193

Box - Spine

Phantom of the Asteroids - Box - Spine - 163x1197
Europe -  163 x 1197

Cart - Front

Phantom of the Asteroids - Cart - Front - 824x518
Europe -  824 x 518
Phantom of the Asteroids - Cart - Front - 1157x736
Europe -  1157 x 736

Clear Logo

Phantom of the Asteroids - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175

Screenshot - Game Title

Phantom of the Asteroids - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200
Phantom of the Asteroids - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Phantom of the Asteroids - Screenshot - Gameplay - 440x279
440 x 279
Phantom of the Asteroids - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200